Bit: Email Protections
SPF - Record of IPs for a certain domain.
- Email is sent by sender.
- Receiver looks up the domain with DNS. Finds SPF record. Sees if the IP of the sender is a part of the record.
- If not, is evil.
DKIM - Uses public keys to verify email hasn’t been tampered.
- Sender signs a message with their private key (usually signing headers or the entire email body and headers).
- When the email client receives the message, it can look up the DKIM record with the public key and decrypt/verify the signed portions.
- From there, it can compare that to the plaintext.
- If no match, is evil.
DMARC - Combo of the 2 above. Configured depending on how the domain administrator wants the email verified and whether they want information about the pass/fail of emails being sent.